lookup other EJB from one EJB within same EAR

From: <>
Date: Fri, 05 Sep 2008 10:14:47 PDT

In my EAR, I have several Stateful Session Beans(SFSB). Methods of an SFSB can return multiple references/handles to other SFSB.
I am using intitial context lookup method to lookup other SFSB from original SFSB.

Now the problem:
[b]I do not want to hard-code the Global JNDI of SFSBs in my lookup code, to keep my code independent of deployment environment.[/b]

Solutions I tried
1. EJB injection:
        I think it is not a right fit. because If I do EJB injection(for other SFSB) in my SFSB, all methods(of my first SFSB) will have reference to same SFSB, that I do not want. I want each method to generate new SFSB.

2. using ejb-ref in ejb-jar.xml
        <ejb-jar xmlns=""
                        </ejb-ref>[/b] </session>

I have annotated other SFSB with name = "SFSB2", see below code snippet

        @Stateful(name = "SFSB2")
        public class SFSB2Impl implements SFSB2Interface

I get weired problem when I try to deploy to glassfish (Sun app server 9.1_02(build b04-fcs)):
[b]Warning : Unable to determine local business vs. remote business designation for EJB 3.0 ref Unresolved Ejb-Ref MySFSB2_at_jndi: @null_at_null@Session_at_SFSB2[/b]

Am I missing anything here? Any suggestion is appreciated. thanks
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