Re: asadmin

From: Richard Csokas <>
Date: Thu, 4 Sep 2008 09:49:29 +0200

Why don't communicate the server instance the server. I installed glassfish
server, it is create server instance (admin), I create a node-agent(crmgw),
and create 2 cluster instace cluster1-cluster2, and a standalon-instance,
phonebook. I like seeing their status, running list-status. but I see
Warning message, Why. I don't understand what is the clue your question.

2008/9/3, Jane Young <>:
> Looks like a warning message that domain is unable to communicate with the
> server instance.
> Is there any clue from server.log?
> Richard Csokas wrote:
> Hi, I used the asadmin list-status command but I don't understand result
>> message, this is feature or bug or something. Are you give this message?
>> this is:
>> asadmin list-status
>> Please enter the admin user name>admin
>> Please enter the admin password>
>> server is running, does not require restart
>> error 0
>> [#|2008-09-03T13:36:31.889+0200|WARNING|sun-appserver9.1||_ThreadID=46;_ThreadName=Thread-2000;_RequestID=7f0198a9-0ef9-4d68-8850-158ed4233dd3;|Failed
>> to check connection: Connection refused|#]
>> error 1
>> [#|2008-09-03T13:36:31.889+0200|WARNING|sun-appserver9.1||_ThreadID=46;_ThreadName=Thread-2000;_RequestID=7f0198a9-0ef9-4d68-8850-158ed4233dd3;|stopping|#]
>> error 2
>> [#|2008-09-03T13:36:53.276+0200|WARNING|sun-appserver9.1|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=19;_ThreadName=httpSSLWorkerThread-4848-1;_RequestID=179e4fb0-8f98-4393-b52f-771e19d8fd71;|Web
>> login failed: Login failed: Failed
>> file login for admin.|#]
>> error 3
>> [#|2008-09-03T13:37:56.259+0200|WARNING|sun-appserver9.1||_ThreadID=19;_ThreadName=httpSSLWorkerThread-4848-1;_RequestID=179e4fb0-8f98-4393-b52f-771e19d8fd71;|Exception
>> in getStatus:Component not registered|#]
>> phonebook is not running, requires restart
>> cluster2 is not running, requires restart
>> cluster1 is not running, requires restart
>> crmgwt is not running, requires restart
>> Command list-status executed successfully.
>> regards
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