glassfich deployment problems

From: <>
Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2008 07:07:59 PDT

Hello (sorry if my english is not correct)

I am actually trying to deploy an enterprise application on glassfish.

During the deployment, I have the following messages:
Error in annotation processing: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/tools/ant/launch/AntMain

Optional package ant does not exist or its Specification-Version doesnot match!! Unable to satisfy dependency for commons-attributes-compiler.jar

Optional package qdox does not exist or its Specification-Version doesnot match!! Unable to satisfy dependency for commons-attributes-compiler.jar

Optional package commons-attributes-api does not exist or its Specification-Version doesnot match!! Unable to satisfy dependency for commons-attributes-compiler.jar

Optional package javadoc does not exist or its Spe
cification-Version doesnot match!! Unable to satisfy dependency for commons-attributes-compiler.jar

I don't understand anything on these errors.
Sure, glassfish will not find org/apache/tools/ant/launch/AntMain because org/apache/tools/ant/launch/ is empty, and the main of ant seems to be org/apache/tools/ant/Main. The question is why does it search this!?

About the others messages errors, my EJBmodule classpath contains effectively commons-attributes-compiler, and it doesn't contains qdox and javadoc packages, but it contains ant and commons-attributes-api.
And all commons* libs come from the jakarta-commons library provided with spring-2.5.5, so it is hard to think that there is a problem of version between them.

I am totaly lost now, never seen errors like that, have you got any idea please?

Thanks in advance.
[Message sent by forum member 'rageice' (rageice)]