Salut, wrote:
> In the "Sun Java Application Server 9.1 Adminstration Guide - September 2007", it says on Page 147 (Configuring the HTTP Service):
> [i]
> In the Application Server, there is no distinction between acceptor and request processing (worker) threads: each HTTP listener thread is responsible for accepting and processing requests. For this reason, the HTTP listeners in the Application Server’s default configuration use 50 acceptor threads.
> [/i]
> This seems to contradict what is stated just above:
> [i]
> In addition, specify the number of acceptor threads in the HTTP listener. Acceptor threads are threads that wait for connections. The threads accept connections and put them in a queue, called the connection queue, where they are then picked up by worker threads. Configure enough acceptor threads so that there is always one available when a new request comes in, but few enough so that they do not provide too much of a burden on the system.
> [/i]
> I am confused by the contradicting statements. Maybe something is missing in the first one?
I am too. acceptor-threads should be based on the number of CPU/core you
machine as. This is not related to any of the above description. I will
make sure that get fixed.
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