Re: howto autostart glassfish at system startup solaris 10 x86

From: Dick Davies <>
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2008 11:29:03 +0100

On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 10:40 AM, <> wrote:
> hello sorry for the delay on my answer.
> I have tried to create the service using asadmin. but it didn't create the domain? and how do i get the passwords?

You create the domain first, then run create-service to do the
generate the SMF bits.

> we have created an user glassfish do i have to edit the manifest to indicate that the command has to be run by the glassfish user?

Something like:

  svccfg -s das-fmri setprop start/user = glassfish
  svccfg -s das-fmri setprop stop/user = glassfish
  svcadm refresh das-fmri
  svcadm restart das-fmri

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