Glassfish ejb-web classloading issue

From: <>
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2008 10:15:01 PDT

On the project we are trying to use glassfish as our app server.
Glassfish v2 I guess(don't remember exact version)
So, while looking trough legacy code I found out situation:
Our Ear has 2 modules - web and ejb
web module under its web-inf/lib directory has let's say utils.jar with class SomeClassA
Session Ejb3 bean in its method annotated as postCreate has a usage of this SomeClassA class. There is no manifest-classpath or jars or class itself somewhere in EJB module.
So my question how is it possible in such situation that classes from EJB module can access classes from web module ?
I read doc about classloading hierarchy in glassfish - it's the same like in jboss -- Ejb classloader is parent for Web(WAR) classloader.
AFAIK child classloader(WAR) has access to classes loaded by parent(EJB) but NOT vise-versa.
Can someone clarify me please regarding my situation?

Thank you
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