Re: does glassfish supports JSP 2.2?

From: Sahoo <Sahoo_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 01 Sep 2008 11:07:15 +0530

Is there anything called JSP 2.2? I know the last JSP spec was called
JSP 2.1 and it is a required part of Java EE 5 platform. Since GF v3
supports web container technologies including JSP technology, it
supports JSP 2.1.


legolas wrote:
> Hi
> thank you for reading my post
> Can someone please tell me whether GlassFish supports JSP 2.2?
> I read in a weblog that GF 3 supports JSP 2.2 but I can not find anything
> about JSP 2.2 in the web. even I was not able to find its JSR number.
> Thanks