Deployment error, "incomplete literal/length tree", in multiple versions.

From: <>
Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2008 08:04:50 PDT

Hi I have a JSP/JSF project managed in Netbeans (6.01 fist then 6.1) deployed to a local glassfish server. It was working fine until I had to upgrade my workstation to windows vista.

I haven't changed the config or code since the last successful deployment but still I can't get it to work.

I have tried deploying from Netbeans 6.1 and 6.5 beta to glassfish v2u2 and v3 prelude b15b and tried to deploy via the webinterface directly on the local servers.

I have also read all information I could find on google on this but nothing seams to match my circumstances. I have made sure no external libs are included in my war archive and I have tried to run the glassfish verifier and the jar-tools verifier. Jar tools lets it thru (but I guessed that the "test" you cant do with jar.exe is a bit limited) but verifier doesn't, same error: " incomplete literal/length tree" ...

As far as I can figure this error pops up now and again, it's related to threading and streams and I don't activly use eather, but glassfish might. It doesn't seam to be restricted to one version of the JDK and there isn't a universal workaround...

What should I do next? I run Vista, JDK 6 update 7 and netbeans 6.1/6.5 beta with glassfish v2/v3 prelude b15b I also have a Tomcat 6 installed and it's no fly there as well, same error. Points to a specific library, but how do I find it and what do I do when I find it?

Any tips are welcome ;o)

/Jonas Erlandsson, Sweden
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