Glassfish FileRealm

From: <>
Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2008 06:49:01 PDT


I am having trouble getting access control working on EJB method calls. I was hoping someone could spot what I missed.

I have a user setup in glassfish, using file realm, with 2 groups. One is "User" and the other is "Create Something". "User" group is mapped to "USER" security-role in sun-web.xml which is used in web.xml as auth-contraint to the security configuration. This allows to force login etc.

The EJB method is annotated with @RolesAllowed("Create Something"). The user is not able to execute the method.

I have not enabled Security Manager.
I have not specified or enabled default principal to role mapping.

1. Am I correct in saying the mapping in sun-web.xml is not required for "Create Something"?
2. What have I done wrong or missed?
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