Shared XSD for WSDL

From: Kenneth Clark <>
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2008 13:46:38 +0200



I am sitting with a situation where by I have a stack of web services. Now
to make them more manageable I can divide them into smaller service sets.
The only problem is that they share the same objects. Now here is where the
problem comes in, the front end defines the shared objects in different
namespaces which means there are duplicate objects. So is there any way to
have the WSDL share the Entity definitions? Do I have to manually write the
WSDL in order to achieve this and use the @WebService(wsdlLocation)?


Does anyone have any pointers on anything like this?



Thanks and regards


Kenneth Clark

Solutions Engineer



Tel: 27 (0) 11 679 3075

Fax: 27 (0) 86 647 4819

Mobile: 27 (0) 84 583 1348

Email: <>



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