Re: GlassFish domains on same server under own unix user credetials?

From: <>
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2008 16:38:41 PDT

> GF Domain is a singular instance of GF, and it would run in its own process. You can have as many GF domains running under their own credentials as you like.

So I could run several GF instances serving each own domain under own unix credentials?
They definitely will be listening for different IP/port(internally).
> Applications running within the GF server all share the same process
You confused me. I am fine to have same VM under same domain.
But could (I under same GF admin UI):
1. control port 80 and do redirects to domain IP/port?
2. Administer domain's parameters.
I have a filling that it is possible. At least docs say so.
One thing is missing: how to run domain under restricted user.

The references:
According to
Domain Admin server(DAS) could reside in own VM and control independent Node Agent(one per domain. [i]Its primary purpose will be to start, stop, and create server instances as instructed by the DAS[/i]... Domain Administration Server (DAS) ... )
That gives us unified admin UI for all my domains. Isn't it?

[i]DAS is able to administer instances running on remote hosts[/i]
And local ones as well (if they under different VM)?

[i]The Node Agent will also act as a watchdog and restart failed processes[/i]
... [i]will be configured to be started by the native O/S node bootstrap[/i]
I.e. here I could assign process/unix user relation?

[i]There can be multiple Node Agents on a machine for different versions of the product or in cases where the instances on the machine reside in multiple domains[/i]
Exactly what I want: multiple domains(under own NA).

What is missing:
1. Association NA w/ unix User
2. port 80 redirector

As for 1), NA source could be modified. Not a big deal.
2) More tricky. I guess that is some kind of web app which will comunicate with DAS and do port 80 redirects accordingly. Using JMX for DAS communication and somehow proxyPass to local instance of domain...

Q. Is that what I need to do in order to achieve easier implementation?

>> PS. On my Solaris 8 there is no SMF...
>Ah, yea, I've heard Solaris was upgraded once or twice in the past 8 years.
And you know, it still works! 8+ years, 24/7 non-stop. I am scared to do OS upgrades, too much hassle.

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