Using Local EJBs

From: Q Beukes <>
Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2008 11:07:19 +0200


How can I reference a Session Bean by it's @Local interface.

I have a session bean with both @Remote and @Local interfaces.
Then I have a 2nd bean which references this bean.

Both beans are inside the same EJB JAR.

Then, I have a WAR which access through @Remote the 2nd bean. But it can't
because the @Local reference inside this second bean isn't working.

I am getting this error:
Deploying application in domain failed; Error loading deployment descriptors
for module [JMobs-war] -- Cannot resolve reference Unresolved Ejb-Ref

SendOBSBean is the 2nd bean. It does an @Local reference to
OBSSubscriptionFacadeLocal (which is the interface labeled @Local).

Quintin Beukes