Calling a method in one bean from another

From: <>
Date: Wed, 06 Aug 2008 13:15:25 PDT

I'm sure this has been asked many times before, and there is an easy solution, but I want to be able to pass data between two or more beans. I've looked around online quite a bit, but I'm unable to find something that explains this well enough for me to understand. I've got JSF 1.2.

In the simplest case, suppose I have two classes as follows:

public class MyBeana {
    private String mynamea;
    public Mybeana() {
    // Whatever initialization
    public void setMynamea(String mynamea) {
        this.mynamea = mynamea;
    public String getMynamea() {
        return mynamea;

// Other methods that may act on the methods above or in MyBeanb.

public class MyBeanb {
    private String mynameb;
    public Mybeanb() {
    // Whatever initialization
    public void setMynameb(String mynameb) {
        this.mynameb = mynameb;
    public String getMynameb() {
        return mynameb;

// Other methods that may act on the methods above or in MyBeana


I've tried playing around with FacesContext, but I'm unable to get it to work.

Another idea is to use dependency injection in the faces-config.xml file with something like:


but I don't know what syntax to use. Basically, I could have pages with tags such as:

<h:inputText value="#{beana.mynamea}">
<h:inputText value="#{beanb.mynameb}">

plus many others, and want to be able to access the methods of one bean from the other.

The link gives some useful information, but it's not very clear, and a simple worked example would be a great help.

I would most appreciate some help with this.

Christopher Sharp
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