JAX-WS / stateless bean: returning the wrong entity?

From: Kristian Rink <>
Date: Wed, 06 Aug 2008 09:51:19 +0200


having a _rather_ strange error to deal with, right now. Project structure
see the NetBeans screenshot attached, basically it boils down to having

- three different entity classes (extending a common base class), each one
of them persisted using JPA,

- three stateless session beans (auto-generated) to access these classes
using the JPA entity manager,

- the "find(String id)" method of each of these EJBs exposed via @WebMethod
annotation as JAX-WS web services.

Deploying this to GFv2u2 in our test system, the phenomenon is like this:

- The first of the three web services invoked using the "Test" button from
within the GF Admin Console works flawlessly, returning the result expected
while providing a valid ID for "find".

- By then, the two other web services reproducibly fail dumping an exception
like this:

_RequestID=98ddd859-6b6f-4b56-af00-8390bb31013d;|Can not set
de.planconnect.lib.persistence.entities.RPartner field
ws.FindResponse._return to
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Can not set
de.planconnect.lib.persistence.entities.RPartner field
se._return to de.planconnect.lib.persistence.entities.APlanDocument

- More surprisingly, the marked entity that "Can not set" (RPartner, in this
example) is the entity to be accessed / returned by the first web service
invoked, the one that used to work. This entirely depends upon which of
these web services is to be invoked for the first time after completely
undeploying and redeploying the application.

Overally, it definitely seems a web-service related issue as, building a
JAX-WS web service using a Facade EJB to include access methods referencing
the three other EJBs, access to each entity works as expected. What on earth
is wrong here? Glassfish issue? Web service stack problem? Sort of reminds
me of the behaviour I reported earlier while dealing with NetBeans [1]
though it is different in some cases, this time happening in the server not
on the client. Could this be issue [2]? Or something unrelated?

Cheers & thanks,


Kristian Rink
cell    :  +49 176 2447 2771
"we command the system. calling all recievers.
we are noisy people for a better living".
(covenant - "monochrome")

(image/jpeg attachment: ws-structure.jpg)