Can EJB 3.0 expose JAX-WS *and* JAX-RPC endpoints?

From: Ryan de Laplante <>
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2008 10:11:52 -0400

I've just upgrade NetBeans IDE 6.0 to 6.1. One of the changes they made
was to allow a Java EE5 project to consume JAX-RPC web services in
addition to JAX-WS web services. Before NetBeans 6.1 I could only
consume JAX-WS web services, so this was a limitation of the IDE -- not
Java EE 5.

NB 6.1 lets me create a JAX-WS service endpoint in my EJB 3.0 project,
but not a JAX-RPC service endpoint. The project already has a JAX-WS
service endpoint so maybe that's the problem?

I'm wondering if this is another limitation of NetBeans IDE, or Java
EE? Should I be able to expose EJB #1 as JAX-WS and EJB #2 as JAX-RPC
in the same project?
