Re: Glassfish Serialization blues...

From: <>
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2008 13:56:16 PDT

I refactored the code to use the Local interface instead of the Remote interface to avoid Serialization. I accomplished this by placing these tags in the web.xml:


and tweeked the session bean with @Stateless(name="AgencyAccessMgrBean")

This solves the web tier in regard to Serialization, though I now have jndi lookup errors within the ejb session tier so I must need a similar mapping in that tier as well. Do you know what .xml file and syntax would be involved for this in the ejb tier?

The web tier can reach a session bean fine, but if that bean needs to invoke another session I get jndi lookup NOT found on "AgencyAccessMgrBean", the same name that worked fine in the web tier.

Currently, I only have a simple persistence.xml in the ejb tier configuration that has an entry like:

<persistence-unit name="cfmsPU00" transaction-type="JTA">

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