Error Message: The requested resource is not available.

From: <>
Date: Sun, 15 Jun 2008 03:32:09 PDT

Hello All,

I have installed Sun Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 8.2 (build b06-fcs). I could successfully deploy hello.war as explained in Quick start guide and could see the first page when clicked on launch button under web application list.

Now I have deployed my own .war file. When I go under Web Application list and click on launch button I got an error message saying ‘The requested resource (/refunds-web/) is not available.’

I tried to debug by putting a simplet html page Test.html under my application directory refunds-web. The url I accessed was http://localhost:8080/refunds-web/Test.html. But still the page could not be displayed and got the same above error message. Then I placed the same Test.html file under /hello/Test.html. The url I accessed is http://localhost:8080/hello/Test.html and it worked perfectly fine.

It looks everything is working fine with sample file hello.war but not with my own .war file. I created the .war file using Netbeans. Is there any setting which I need to do to setup my application server to find the missing resources.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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