Basic Login **Problem** need help

From: <>
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2008 15:56:11 PDT

I am having a problem mapping roles to users. I am using the default fileRealm "file". I also added 2 users to this realm. For some reason I can't get the app server to connect my website with the Security Realm. Any tips?

******* Security/Realms/file *****************
Name: file
Class Name:
JAAS context: fileRealm
Key File: ${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/config/keyfile

tom basicuser
drew secureadmin

*********** WEB.XML *******************


************** Server Log ****************

No Principals mapped to Role [basicuser].
No Principals mapped to Role [secureadmin].
[Message sent by forum member 'icemandrew' (icemandrew)]