Sun GlassFish Distributions.... // GlassFish For Business Blog...

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2008 11:23:10 -0700

I don't remember if I have already mentioned the GlassFish For Business
blog at this list, so first an introduction.

GlassFishForBusiness [1] tracks Sun's commercial offerings around
products from the GlassFish community. Its intent is to give additional
visibility to announcments that may otherwise be missed.

It is a sibbling to TheAquarium [2], which tracks community events, and
to Stories [3], tracking deployment and adoption.


Last weekend I posted several entries covering th GFv2 releases: the
public releases GFv2, GFv2U1 and GFv2U2 and the first commercial patch

An overview of the GFv1 and GFv2 families are at at:


As other BSC blogs, most of the work is done by engineering in "extra
hours", so sometimss we lag in reporting events/offerings. Let us know
if you see anything missing or there is a topic you think we should
cover better.

        - eduard/o