Eclipse shuts down when starting GlassFish during Publishing step...

From: <>
Date: Thu, 15 May 2008 18:41:25 PDT


I downloaded and installed the GlassFish and SDK bundle containing the Sun Java System Application Server (GlassFish) and SDKs (GlassFish and SDK Update 5) that can be found here:

I used the script found here to install the GlassFish server adapter in my Eclipse platform (Version 3.3.2; Build id: M20080221-1800):

There allready existed a"Test Dynamic Web" project with a simple index.jsp file in my Eclipse workspace.

When I get to the step in the script mentioned above to start the server, I get all of the startup messages in the Console. When it gets to the point where it says "Publishing to GlassFish V2...", Vista pops up a dialog box (I am running Vista on a Dell laptop 2 Duo, 4G memory) saying "eclipse.exe" has stopped working, and I have no choice but Eclipse closes.

Now I open Eclipse back up and get to my same project. I click on "Start server" and I get the message that the server is allready started and under the "Status" column in the "Server" tab it says "Publishing...". Then after a second, Eclipse stops again, and again it closes.

Does anyone have any idea what the problem is here? Could there be some configuration issue? Possibly I missed something in the installation process?

BTW: The GlassFish and SDK Update 5 bundle are installed in C:\Sun\SDK and Eclipse is installed at C:\Eclipse.

Thanks to all for your time and assistance.
[Message sent by forum member 'gmarshall56' (gmarshall56)]