Re: tomcat "shared" webapp with different confiurations

From: <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 09 May 2008 18:42:46 -0700

Thanks, Hong, for filing

The use case that Christian is looking for is indeed not (yet) supported
in GlassFish.


Christian Andersson wrote:

> from the webpage
> > 1. Global context.xml glassfish/domains/domain1/config/context.xml
> > which will be loaded by *all* webapps.
> > For example, global context.xml can define global environment entry to
> > be shared across all webapps as follows.
> unless I can have one domain per webapp all on the same virtual
> server, this cannot be used.
> > 2. Virtual server context.xml specified by virtual-server property
> > "contextXmlDefault" in domain.xml will be loaded by all webapps of
> > this virtual server.
> since all my different webapps share the same virtual server, this
> cannot be used either.
> > 3. Webapp specific context.xml will be loaded by this webapp only.
> > You can define /META-INF/context.xml in a WAR file for this webapp
> > specific environment and resource definitions.
> since this requires the context.xml to be IN the war file or the
> deployed directory, this is also not possible to use..
> what I need is a way to ave the webapp specific context.xml (or parts
> of it) seperated from the webapp dirctory (for example in the
> glassfish/domains/domain1/config directory (or somewhere else..) ofr
> tomcat this is done using
> [tomcat-install-dir]/conf/Catalina/[virtual-server-name]/[webapp-name].xml
> but according to the blog, this is not possible .-( unless I have but
> I think I read somewhere that domains can have several virtual
> servers defined and also you could have several domains for one
> virtual server, so if it is possible for me to have several domains
> for this virtual server, I can use #1 above to solve my problem.
> Hong Zhang skrev:
>> According to this blog, the Tomcat context.xml support has already
>> been ported to glassfish v2:
>> Does that mean you can just use the same context.xml mechanism with
>> glassfish v2 to accomplish what you need?
>> - Hong
>> Christian Andersson wrote:
>>> I'm in the process of migrating over a lot of webapplicatins from
>>> tomcat to glassfish, and I have a question (also previously aked,
>>> but got no answer.
>>> With tomcat I have been able to setup many webapplications that use the
>>> SAME directory for the webapplication but use different configuration.
>>> is this possible with glassfish?
>>> Let me explain what I have done..
>>> I have a small webbaplication that several customers use. I would like
>>> to be able to host this webapplication like this..
>>> now IN tomcat, I can do that using the same webapplication directory
>>> and
>>> then in my [TOMCAT-INSTALL-DIR]/conf/Catalina/ directory I
>>> can setup Context configuration files
>>> customer1.xml
>>> customer2.xml
>>> customer3.xml
>>> customer4.xml
>>> in these different context files I do stuff like this..
>>> <Context docBase="/var/tomcat/shared/webapplication">
>>> <Parameter name="ConfigurationPath"
>>> value="/var/tomcat/config/[COMPANY-NAME]/" override="true"/>
>>> <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JNDIRealm"
>>> connectionURL="ldap://localhost:389"
>>> debug="99"
>>> roleBase="ou=Roles,[COMPANY-DN]"
>>> roleName="cn"
>>> roleSearch="(uniqueMember={0})"
>>> userPattern="uid={0},ou=People,[COMPANY-DN]"/>
>>> </Context>
>>> (the [] parts in the context file is not written like that in the real
>>> files but is changed depending on customer..
>>> This type of configuration means that IF I upate an file in
>>> /var/tomcat/shared/webapplication (jsp/jar, etc) ALL my customers get
>>> that change, for an administrative point this is much easier then
>>> having
>>> to do the same change for all customers..
>>> now, I could probably been able to do that with a war file and some
>>> scripts, but I don't have that and I like to use an directory
>>> structure.
>>> I think I read an comparison of tmcat and glassfish (v1 something of
>>> glassfish) and I think it said that this was not possible, but
>>> glassfish
>>> is now v2 and this might have changed.
>>> so is this kind of configuration possible using glassfish v2 ?
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