Re: Slow to instaniate an object in Glassfish

From: <>
Date: Fri, 30 May 2008 11:47:25 PDT

Thanks for your suggestion.

I tried to deploy jars via different classloaders, and the result is still consistent....with problem that is.

Feeling frustrated and just for the sake of trying, I created the wicket-101 application.. Hello World. (
However, out of my surprise (ok.. I wasn't really surprised), wicket works fine in the hello world. It didn't take 2 seconds to create 1000 labels.

Now I think I have to go back to drawing board to figure out exactly what went wrong with our application. Given that we also use Spring and Hibernate, and other open source libraries... now the fun begins.

I will update my results in case people still curious to know what's wrong.
Thanks for all the help. I really appreciate it.
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