Re: How to find out the actual JNDI name of a EJB 2.1 Compatibility View?

From: Sahoo <>
Date: Fri, 30 May 2008 05:53:58 -0700

You can browse the JNDI tree in the admin console. Or, you can see the
information in sun-ejb-jar.xml file that GlassFish deployment backend
generates. If you are looking for EJB inside foo.ear#ejb.jar, then look in:


There you will the JNDI mapping information. If you care about
portability across servers, then you specify the JNDI name for the EJB
using @MappedName instead of relying on th default name that container


Markus Karg wrote:
> In my application client running inside of ACC, I need to use new
> InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/X") to lookup the EJB 2.1
> compatibility view of my session bean. To make this work, I have to
> specifiy a mapping from "ejb/X" to the actual JNDI name. But how to
> find out the JNDI name that GlassFished by default applied? I did not
> explicitely specify the JNDI name. What is the default?
> Thanks
> Markus
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