Java Web Start App Client and JavaHelp problem

From: <>
Date: Thu, 29 May 2008 08:25:19 PDT

Hi All,

I have a problem with JavaHelp in a JWS app client running on Glassfish.

Setup :
Glassfish V2.1 b35 (also had problem in b34)
Netbeans 6.1
JavaHelp 2_0_05

I have just added JavaHelp support into an application client. When the help is displayed, the content pane of the help viewer displays the raw HTML, and not the formatted display.

I have made up a very simple JFrame application that displays the "idehelp" from the demos supplied with the JavaHelp download. When this application is run as a stand-alone J2SE application, the help is displayed as expected (i.e. formatted as per the HTML). However, when exactly the same code is packaged in an EAR as an application client, deployed to Glassfish, and run from JavaWebStart, the help is displayed as the raw HTML.

I have not run this on any earlier versions of Glassfish, but I presume it would be the same.

Anyone got any ideas (Tim ?) ?


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