Why does the Client Container try to load a resource adapter's Connection class?

From: Markus Karg <>
Date: Thu, 29 May 2008 11:53:33 +0200

My EAR contains three modules:


* ResourceAdapter, providing a custom interface

* EJB-JAR, containing a session bean that accesses the resource adapter's customer interface internally; also providing EJB 2.1 Compatibility View

* Application Client, using EJB 2.1 Compatibility View of the session bean


The application client has NO references to any part of the resource adapter. He is completely unaware of its existence. Neither is any class or interface of the resource adapter beeing passes to the client by the session bean, or accepted by the session bean as beeing passed from the client.


The validator has 0 errors, 0 warnings, 0 infos. Also I can deploy and startup the server without any problem.


But when I click on "Launch" to run the client using Web Start, then Web Start shows me a nice exception that it is unable to locate one of the classes contained in the custom interface of the ResourceAdapter. In the stack trace there is only com.* and java.* stuff mentioned, but none of my own classes.


As soon as I added a copy of all classes of the custom interface into my client JAR, it starts up very well (and certainly never uses that class).


Can somebody explain, why the client container wants to load that class? It obviously is never referenced anywhere in the client!






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