problem with custom realm

From: Dirk Reske <>
Date: Sat, 24 May 2008 00:44:15 +0200


I try to develop a custom realm the last days...
I follow the docs and a view blog entries about that .

I derived my custom realm from AppservRealm.
I also implemented the corresponding LoginModule (deriving from
I configured the Realm via the web interface and added the login module
to the login.conf.

But when I save the realm conf, I get following error log:
The FileRealm classname, "" does not
extend "".|#]

When I ignore this log and try to login using a simple web app with
following web.xml entries:

            <web-resource-name>User Area</web-resource-name>

            <web-resource-name>Admin Area</web-resource-name>

I get following:
Audit: Authentication refused for [admin].|#]

login failed: Login failed:
Failed file login for admin.|#]

hope somebody can help me :)
Dirk (germany)