I am running the Java EE 5 tutorial application bookshop6. Using Firefox2 to go to the URL as shown in the tutorial , the first web page (locale select showing map and hyperlinks) shows OK. Select locale by hyper link or map and an error page is thrown. (see attached file "locale failure.txt"). I have loaded project into Netbeans6 (rather than Netbeans5.5) but I dont beieve this to be the problem. I have confirmed the JavaDB is operational and contains real data. (with NetBeans services tab and independantly with Squirrel client with Derby jdbc driver)
One clue (or red herring) may be that the status bar in Firefox reports the hyperlink URL as "
http://localhost:8080/bookstore6/#" when the mouse hovers over the URL.
I was expecting to see a link to another jsp page !!!!
Where should I be looking for the problem.?
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