Re: jdbc realm with web service security not working

From: <>
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 14:36:03 PST

I have made some improvement, getting it to use the jdbcRealm i have set up. My sun-ejb-jar.xml now has this modified:


The problem is it still throws an Invalid Username Password Pair at the client. Funniest thing is, on the server side, i have set up the logging level for Security to FINEST, and here is what i catch when i make the client call:

Processing login with credentials of type: class
Logging in user [c1n3v@] into realm: uddirealm using JAAS module: jdbcRealm
Login module initialized: class
JDBC login succeeded for: c1n3v@ groups:[Ljava.lang.String;@6d6c90
JAAS login complete.
JAAS authentication committed.
Password login succeeded for : c1n3v@
Set security context as user: c1n3v@
JMAC: In PrivateKeyCallback Processor
JMAC: In PasswordValidationCallback Processor
jmac login user [c1n3v@] into realm: file using JAAS module: fileRealm
Login module initialized: class
JAAS authentication aborted.
SEC5046: Audit: Authentication refused for [c1n3v@].
SEC1201: Login failed for user: c1n3v@
WSS1408: UsernameToken Authentication Failed

I don't get it, first it say "Password login succeeded for : c1n3v@", then "JAAS authentication aborted". Please help me ...

P.S. I should mention that the client is a regulat java application, to who I have added the falowing jars:
webservices-rt.jar, appserv-rt.jar, javaee.jar ,webservices-tools.jar ,endorsed/activation.jar ,endorsed/webservices-api.jar as instructed here:
I can feel i am close to solving this, i just ... don't know. Again, any feedback is welcomed:)
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