Specify the virtual server(s) to deploy a webapp to

From: Joe Jordan <>
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 09:41:46 +1000


In glassfish v2, is it possible to specify the virtual server(s) that
a webapp should be deployed to (e.g. in sun-web.xml) when it is
deployed as part of an EAR, as is the case with asadmin deploy --
virtualservers when deploying a standalone WAR?

This question relates to
show_bug.cgi?id=4438 ("Form-based authentication with default-web-
module problematic"), where being able to deploy different WARs
within an EAR to context-root "/" of different virtual servers would
likely solve my problem.

Joe Jordan

(Apologies if this is double-posted, I don't think ezmlm liked the
first address I posted from)