Re: how to config default CookieHandler for Glassfish

From: Jan Luehe <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 06 Mar 2008 14:42:26 -0800

hi Wang Yu,

Wang Yu wrote:
> CookieHandler.getDefault()in Glassfish will return null.
> If we want to implement our own Handler, how can I configure the Glassfish to register the Handler.
> (CookieHandler.setDefault() is not systematic way.)
can you describe how you are planning to use the CookieHandler in GlassFish?

as i mentioned in a related posting, i have been under the impression
that CookieHandler
is intended as a cookie management facility for http clients, in which
case it is ok to
have a single (default) CookieHandler per (client) VM set via

i'm not familiar with the use of CookieHandler in a server environment,

