Re: Adding code dynamically

From: Kristian Rink <>
Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2008 21:20:13 +0100

Jumping in here: schrieb:
> I'm in the same boat, and OSGi looks pretty nice. Although Felix
> looks a lot easier to get started with, the Equinox folks have done a
> lot of work lately to get a complete, deployable server-side
> modularity framework together. And since Equinox underlies Eclipse,
> there's some nice IDE tools to maintain the plug-ins.

Do you folks so far have any experiences to report about bundling
OSGi/felix with glassfish, possibly especially while really tightly
integrating the OSGi environment with the Java EE container, making
services in OSGi available to, say, EJB components and vice versa?
Surely looking for some comments on that... :)

Cheers & best,