EJB remote access through firewall

From: Glenn Holmer <>
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 14:02:41 -0500

Use case: we have servers in a DMZ and want to know if we can access
remote EJBs from standalone programs on our inside network. We have a
test program working that does this:

java -Dorg.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialHost=...

context = new InitialContext();"SkuEJB");

and it works between two machines on the inside network and two machines
within the DMZ.

Now we try from a machine on the inside network to a machine
("webdevel") in the DMZ. We have one address (172.16.1.x) that we use
to access webdevel from the inside network, and one (10.0.0.x) from
within the DMZ. But when I try to run the test program from the inside
network to either "webdevel" or to "", packet traces show
that the first few packets go to, but then there's a packet
that Wireshark labels "GIOP 1.2 Reply 5: Location Forward", and after
that, the inside machine is trying to send to the 10.0.0.x address
(which is what webdevel knows itself by). Our firewall rules disallow
this, and the program fails with

Mar 27, 2008 1:25:48 PM <init>
WARNING: "IOP00410201: (COMM_FAILURE) Connection failure: socketType:
IIOP_CLEAR_TEXT; hostname:; port: 3700"
org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: vmcid: SUN minor code: 201 completed: No

What is causing the change of addresses? Is it a network misconfiguration?

Glenn Holmer                
Software Engineer                        phone: 414-908-1809
Weyco Group, Inc.                          fax: 414-908-1601