glassfish won't recognize KSoap2-created XML-doc. contents

From: Stefan Schilling <>
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 11:51:03 +0100


I'm currently running a JavaME-based application, that is supposed to
send XML messages to Servlet hosted by glassfish-v2ur1-b09d.

The message received by glassfish looks like the following:

-------- begin code -----------

<v:Envelope xmlns:i=""
        <n0:messageBody id="o0" c:root="1" xmlns:n0="http://oben:8080/middleware/getSetData">
            <standard i:type="n0:messageIdentifier">
                <clientID i:type="d:string">schilling</clientID>
                <clientTime i:type="d:long">1203423311921</clientTime>
                <messageID i:type="d:long">0</messageID>
            <getSetData i:type="n0:getSetData">
                <hello i:type="d:string">stefan</hello>

-------- end code -----------

But glassfish doesn't find the BODY part of this message. On the other
hand, it CAN read the following message created with glassfish's

-------- begin code -----------


        <ServerRequest:command xmlns:ServerRequest="sendInquiry">

-------- end code -----------

 Here's the command I'm using to unpack the message:

-------- begin code -----------

   public void doPost( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response )
                throws ServletException, IOException {

        try {
            // Get all the headers from the HTTP request
            MimeHeaders headers = getHeaders(request);

            // Get the body of the HTTP request
            InputStream is = request.getInputStream();

            // Now internalize the contents of a HTTP request
            // and create a SOAPMessage
            SOAPMessage incomingMessage = messageFactory.createMessage(headers, is);

            /* Retrieve envelope contents from message received */
            SOAPBody sentSB = incomingMessage.getSOAPBody();
            Iterator sentIt = sentSB.getChildElements();
            SOAPBodyElement soapBodyE = (SOAPBodyElement);

        } catch ...

-------- end code -----------

soapBodyE stays empty, just as any other getChildElements() return
On the client side, the message is created as follows (just some parts
of it here...):

-------- begin code -----------

SoapObject outgoingSoapObject = prepareSoapObject("messageBody");
SoapObject standardSoapObject = prepareSoapObject("standard");
standardSoapObject.addProperty("clientId", "schilling");
outgoingSoapObject.addProperty("messageIdentifier", standardSoapObject);
SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope = new SoapSerializationEnvelope(SoapEnvelope.VER11);
envelope.bodyOut = outgoingSoapObject;
HttpTransport httpTransport = new
              HttpTransport("http://oben:8080/middleware/servlets");, envelope);

-------- end code -----------

I already tried it with a less nested document, but glassfish still
won't find the contents.

Can you help me out?

Thanks a lot and please write, if you need any further details.

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