[Fwd: Sunday before C1/J1 activities]

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2008 07:59:43 -0800

Forwarding from the advocacy alias. I'll also do a spotlight at
TheAquarium and will ping some of you directly.

        - eduard/o

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Sunday before C1/J1 activities
Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2008 12:45:44 -0800
From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>

The current plan for CommunityOne (Monday May 5th) calls for a
community-centered conference, a bit in the style of JavaOne, but with
more non-Sun, more non-Java participation.

GlassFish has a good presence at C1'08, but this version of C1 is
intended to encourage cross-fertilization among many communities, not
intra-community growth.

Without getting into alternate versions of C1, I think we need to
complement the C1 activities with others focused on the needs of the GF

One idea is to use the Sunday before C1/J1 (May 4) to do some extra
activities. We have access to the Moscone center, so we can do things
there. Another option is to use the evenings during JavaOne - although
there are so many activities those days that it is hard to compete with
them and not everybody wants to/can do a 12+ hour day.

So, here is a proposal based on workshops Sunday (May 4th) afternoon and
ending with a small social get together. Some of the workshops can be
sequential, some could be in parallel with each other.

* How GF Helps you make $$s
- Support, Service, Training
- Branding, Marketing

* Building GlassFIsh in your Geography
- Portals
- Localization
- Speciality ISVs

* What you want in GF
- What's missing
- development? Deployment?

* Hands-on on GFv3
- Build from scratch
- Port your service
- Talk with the architects

* Porting Workshop
- Share your experienes porting from JBoss/WLS/WAS/OC4J

Thoughts? Ideas?

        - eduard/o