Glassfish & JAAS & LoginContext

From: <>
Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 02:08:21 PST

Hi all!

I'm trying to write tests for ejb3.0. This EJB's are secured by JAAS and security works fine. But i really need to test correct configuration in deployment descriptors, annotations, realms, loginmodules and so on.
To do that i've wrote simple web app that doing this:
                        LoginContext ctx = new LoginContext("ldapRealm",new SimpleCallBack(username,password));
                        InitialContext content = new InitialContext();
                        SecureBean mngmt = (SecureBean) content.lookup("com.SecureBean");
                catch(Exception e)
                        try {
                                writer.println("Error: "+e.getMessage());
                        } catch (IOException e1) {
where "ldapRealm" is loginmodule (contains in domain1/config/login.conf)
username & password obtained from request.

So. It does not work. login method throws exception: No credentials.
I've read glassfish sources and find this:

                PasswordCredential pwdCred = null;
                 try {
                     Iterator i = _subject.getPrivateCredentials().iterator();
                     while (i.hasNext() && pwdCred==null) {
                         Object privCred =;
                         if (privCred instanceof PasswordCredential) {
                             pwdCred = (PasswordCredential)privCred;
                 } catch (Exception e) {
                     _logger.log(Level.WARNING, "passwordlm.nocreds", e.toString());
                 if (pwdCred==null) {
                     _logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "passwordlm.nopwdcred");
                     String msg = sm.getString("pwdlm.nocreds");
                     throw new LoginException(msg);

Why i must use security specific features in my client? And how i can provide PasswordCredential? And the last question: why my callback handler is ignored?

I thought that my callback handler must be used to create this credential...
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