We're experiencing glassfish v2ur1 hanging. A few webapps and web services are deployed on our installation. What happens is that the server stops responding - we are able to establish a connection to the server, but that as far as we get, no response is received, the connection just waits for input.
We noticed that glassfish cpu utilization is at 100% when the "hang" happens. The server is not able to process any requests afterwards, can run in this state for hours (utilizing 100% cpu time) The server log doesn't contain any ERROR/WARNING messages or outofmemory exceptions (as was hapenning with v1).
We have acceptor threads count set to 1, request processing threads max set to 60.
We suspect that it's one of our poorly written webapps (a webapp for large table reports, it uses apache tiles templates with huge string contents) that is causing these "freezes". So it's probably an enduser triggered problem.
JVM used is 1.6.0_02, the system runs linux.
Does anyone have a suggestion on tracking the source of this problem ?
[Message sent by forum member 'kolmis' (kolmis)]