Re: How I can restart a single web application in glassfish?

From: <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2008 20:40:55 -0800

Hi Sahoo,

>>>> sahoo,
>>>> this is the code path that should have been invoked when you
>>>> re-enable a
>>>> standalone or ear-embedded webmodule.
>>>> did you disable the module before re-enabling it?
>>> I did not do it at module level, I didn't know that's even possible.
>>> Instead, I disabled the whole application before re-enabling it again.

I'm afraid both of us are right. :)

When you disable an EAR, then each of the contained WARs will be unloaded
(by calling the WebContainer's unloadWebModule()), meaning a subsequent
re-enabling of the EAR will reload and therefore restart each of the
contained WARs.

This is different from the standalone case: when you disable a
standalone WAR, the
WebContainer's disableWebModule() is called, which merely marks the web
as unavailable, so that a subsequent re-enabling won't reload or restart
the web module,
but only mark it as available.

Can you file an issue (against deployment) for this? This should be made
consistent in
v3 timeframe.

