Okay let me try to explain what I am doing. I have several tables created in SQL Server 2005. I have attempted to map the tables and columns correctly. I am running my JPA Annotations through Sun Server Verifier utility. I am deploying the application on Glassfish. When I attempt to run the application I and getting this top link error
Exception Description: A non-read-only mapping must be defined for the sequence number field.
Descriptor: RelationalDescriptor(com.dot.pkg.ejb.bean.entity.Address --> [DatabaseTable(databasename.dbo.address)])
Here is how I have the Primary key defined:
@Column(name="addr_id", unique=true, nullable=false, insertable=false, updatable=false, precision=18, scale=0)
public Long getAddrId() {
return this.addrId;
I and using the SQL Server2005 capability to generate the sequence number.
Additionally, I am creating several objects in the servlet. These object represent the domain model.
Can someone shed some light on this error?
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