suggestion to support SoyLatte on Darwin

From: Alexander Wallace <>
Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2008 13:54:57 -0600

Hi All...

i just wanted to say that glassfish can be setup on Mac OS X using
SoyLatte ( if a minor
change to setup.xml is made:

SoyLatte rports 'Darwin' as the OS Name, so, a new condition to deal
with this OS Name and do the same as when 'Max OS X' is detected can
be added.

I think SoyLatte reports 'Darwin' well on purpose and the condition
addition could be minimal, so, Glassfish developers, please consider

I tried to get Glassfish (liferay bundle) to work using apples 1.6
JDK and it would not work, since it is still a developer's release,
and it may never be final for OS X 1.4 ... SoyLatte 1.6 goes a la
par with Sun's releases...

Thanks to all!