OpenSSO Agent Installation

From: <>
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 05:04:04 PST


I ` ve been working, with OpenSSO v1 build 2, on a GlassFish server. On a Centos 5.

I deployed this build of opensso several times whitout a problem. Then I try to use Agents of opensso.
I realize that its not possible from the opensso GUI (I read that on a opensso forum).

As far as I know, these two links are the most complete install process for opensso agents.

This one its old (2006) but it has a good idea.

Got a all the instalation process. Especialy this link to opensso agent configuration

Please take a look of the (3) link.

I follow the instructions on link (3).

The agent-install process has no problem, either the changes to the file.

Then I tried to do it from the command line with famAdminTools, and the command “famadm create-agent”, but first must be configured with the “setup” script, that ask for the config path (specialy for file) , and there comes the problem, if I use the glassfis/domains/domain1/config/ the script “setup” never ends, and if I use the glassfis/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-modules/opensso/WEB-INF/classes/ the setup script ends, and this is the output.

> ./setup -p ~/openesb/glassfish-v2/domains/domain2/applications/j2ee-modules/opensso/WEB-INF/classes/

 The scripts are properly setup under directory: /home/carlgira/lib/opensso/tools/_at_SERVER_URI@
 The version of this is: 8.0
 The version of your server instance is: null

 The version of your server instance is: null. ---> This value should not be null.

@SERVER_URI@ ----> This should be a real value.

I realize that the file of opensso config directory its very small and have references to variables defined somewere else. @SERVER_URI@ its a reference to some variable.

On the previus version of opensso this file was more complete. I think a read somewere that this file was going to desapear but not sure.

Even with this rare output the setup script configurate de “famadm” script. This one had errors too.
The first one:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException

I changed the famadm script. I change the classpath, and put a flag that does not make a VersionCheck.

The second error:

Can't find bundle for base name, locale es_ES

At this moment i was trying to do anything to get work this thing. I download the CVS version of opensso, I compiled this version, generate a jar where it was this “es_ES locale” resource. Somehow the famadm script end.

But it does not work.

I tried in diferentes ways.

Like said before I download the CVS version, it took me a while trying to compile all the code, from the agents and tools, because the dependencys. (dont work for me the instalation guide). This job its recomended in the (1) link, to get all the, jars, wars, and tools from the same sources.

I did the same process of agent instalation, does not work either.

I tried again with a “Periodic OpenSSO and Client” and it seems that its going to be possible to do some agent configuration, from the OpenSSO GUI.

But i cant either. Every time it tries to configurate the opensso, i get “fail status”. Some times was a Ldap Conection error, other times the key of saving data was repeated, and when it realy seems to work......... “fail status” again dont know why.

I get some ideas to get througt all this.

I going to try the ubuntu GlassFish Server. The ubuntu guys bet for the GlassFish server, so maybe its working better that in Centos.

Wait until the next OpenSSO stable release.

If someone has some idea, comments, or just experience with this I realy apreciate the help.

(sorry by my English)
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