Resource Adapters and Application Clients

From: Stephen Connolly <>
Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2008 20:25:07 +0000

I have been reading the JCA 1.5 spec and I cannot find the answer to this

We have a resource adapter that does not follow the CCI but provides its own
connection model as the data model does not fit well with the CCI.

Can this resource adapter be accessed from an application client?

I could use a servlet or EJBs to expose the resource adapter but I'd rather
if I can just access it directly.

From some documentation, it seems I can certainly access JMS resources from
an application client...

But does it work with resource adapters in general?

If it does, how does it work, does it transfer the resource adapter classes
to the client machine and start a connection pool on the application
client's JVM, or does it do some form of remote proxying?

