InvocationTargetException instead of custom _at_ApplicationException

From: Witold Szczerba <>
Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2008 13:55:33 +0100

Hi there,
I have problem with Glassfish v2 and its exception handling. In
Enteprise JavaBeans 3.0 by Bill Burke, on page 399 there is:

"Application exceptions are always delivered directly to the client
without being repacked as an EJBException type."

In my case, however, when client (Swing app) invokes EJB method that
throws my own exception defined like this:

public class AccountingExportServiceException extends Exception {

my client never gets that exception, but InvocationTargetException ite
instead, where
ite.getCause() contains my application exception.

Is this a bug in Glassfish or in the book?

Witold Szczerba