Sun Registration Page for GlassFish - How can it be more useful to you?

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2008 08:20:27 -0800

Sun recently started a registration program. The program is intended to
be a win-win for Sun and its members. We just started it but, for
example, you get access to an aggregation page that shows a number of
GF-related feeds in a single page. The benefit to Sun is that we get
more accurate information on what platforms people are using, in what
countries, etc.

I expect the program to expand. For example, by knowing what software
stacks people are using we could decide where to spend more Q/A on
testing combinations people are using. And we already have a list of
additional feeds to add to the page, plus I'd like to make it fully
customizable, plus adding content that is specific to a geography.

The program _complements_ (does _not_ replace) all the other existing
communication mechanisms we already have.

Arun, Rajeshwar, myself and others have written about the program. I
just pushed an overview spotlight at TheAquarium yesterday, see [1]


If you have any feedback on what works and what does not work for the
program please let us know. You can use this thread if you want, or
post comments on the blog.

        - eduard/o