Re: Logging into the admin console

From: Wolfram Rittmeyer <>
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2008 20:37:19 +0100 wrote:
> Typical? I have two domains and the first domain, domain1, admin console takes less than a minute to load, which is not running when I tried to load the hudson domain. Below is the server.log


this of course is _not_ typical.

You might want to specify a finer log level for your web module to see
what cause the problem:

asadmin set --port 9048

(you have to enter admin-login and -pwd after being prompted to do so).

To understand your problem in more detail: Did you see the start page
and did this only occur after you entered your credentials or didn't you
even get the start page for the webbased admin console?

What is weird with the log file you've sent is that it doesn't contain
any logging after the domain has started. But there should be like
this even with the default less verbose log level:

Sun's JavaServer Faces implementation (1.2_04-b20-p03) for context ''|#]


Wolfram Rittmeyer

> Jan 23, 2008 11:28:36 AM com.sun.enterprise.admin.servermgmt.launch.ASLauncher buildCommand
> /usr/local/java/jdk1.6.0_03/jre/../bin/java
> -Dcom.sun.aas.instanceRoot=/home/hudson/domains/hudson
> -DHUDSON_HOME=/home/hudson/ci/hudson
> -Dcom.sun.aas.ClassPathPrefix=
> -Dcom.sun.aas.ClassPathSuffix=
> -Dcom.sun.aas.ServerClassPath=
> [#|2008-01-23T11:29:05.265-0500|INFO|sun-appserver9.1||_ThreadID=12;_ThreadName=pool-1-thread-4;|Pre-instantiating singletons in defining beans [rememberMeServices,filter,legacy]; root of factory hierarchy|#]
> [#|2008-01-23T11:29:05.687-0500|INFO|sun-appserver9.1|javax.enterprise.system.core.selfmanagement|_ThreadID=10;_ThreadName=main;|SMGT0007: Self Management Rules service is enabled|#]
> [#|2008-01-23T11:29:06.935-0500|WARNING|sun-appserver9.1|javax.enterprise.system.container.ejb|_ThreadID=10;_ThreadName=main;_RequestID=56f9d860-37e1-4950-9d2d-f5fe302891fb;|EJBLifeCycle: Automatic timer migration component not enabled for DAS instance|#]
> [#|2008-01-23T11:29:06.965-0500|INFO|sun-appserver9.1|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=10;_ThreadName=main;|Application server startup complete.|#]
> [Message sent by forum member 'mezlight' (mezlight)]