Lifecycle callbacks and enterprise bean's environment

From: <>
Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2008 14:58:21 PST


I'm struggling with a @PostPersist lifecycle callback where I want to execute persist() on the entity manager bound to enterprise bean's environment. It appears that entitymanagers are not in JNDI in GlassFish v2 b58g and hence the exception upon executing persist() in @PostPersist method. Why is so? It works fine in Geronimo 2.1.

The bean:

@PersistenceContext(name="persistence/InventoryAppMgr", unitName="ear-ejb-beanname-ejbPU")
public class PolskoAngielskiSlownik implements Slownik {

    EntityManager em;
    @Resource SessionContext ctx;
    public String przetlumacz(String slowo) {
        ((EntityManager)ctx.lookup("persistence/InventoryAppMgr")).persist(new Slowo(slowo));
        return "pl->ang: " + slowo;

the entity Slowo:

public class Slowo implements Serializable {
    protected void postPersist() {
        try {
            ((EntityManager)new InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/env/persistence/InventoryAppMgr")).persist(new WpisDoKapownika(slowo));
        } catch (Exception e) {

Another entity - WpisDoKapownika:

public class WpisDoKapownika implements Serializable {
    protected void postPersist() {
        System.out.println("Wpis do kapownika o tresci: " + wpis + " zapisany");

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