Re: Inheritance problems

From: <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 11:29:09 PST

I tried swapping the PrimaryKeyJoinColumn as you suggested, and that fixed the part of the where clause that was failing before, but unfortunately, the other part of the where clause is wrong now...

[TopLink Info]: 2008.01.18 01:13:38.812--ServerSession(23845098)--TopLink, version: Oracle TopLink Essentials - 2.0.1 (Build b09d-fcs (12/06/2007))
[TopLink Info]: 2008.01.18 01:13:39.562--ServerSession(23845098)--file:/C:/projects/Jc3iedmApi/build/classes/-Jc3iedmApi login successful
[TopLink Warning]: 2008.01.18 01:13:39.687--UnitOfWork(17972912)--Exception [TOPLINK-4002] (Oracle TopLink Essentials - 2.0.1 (Build b09d-fcs (12/06/2007))): oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.DatabaseException
Internal Exception: Invalid column name 'obj_item_id'.
Error Code: 207
Call: SELECT t0.obj_item_id, t0.cat_code, t0.name_txt, t0.org_id, t1.obj_item_id, t1.org_id, t1.cat_code FROM dbo.OBJ_ITEM t0, dbo.ORG t1 WHERE (((t0.obj_item_id = ?) AND (t1.obj_item_id = t0.org_id)) AND (t0.cat_code = ?))
        bind => [34000000000000000000, OR]
Query: ReadObjectQuery(mil.simci.Jc3iedmApi.ObjectItem)

Where you also suggesting to change the associations to point at the supertype table?
[Message sent by forum member 'tfriest' (tfriest)]