Re: Glassfish errors under heavy load

From: Bill <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2008 15:42:26 -0500

Hi Ron,

On Jan 17, 2008 3:35 PM, <> wrote:
> Bill,
> I work on the security team, and we have been discussing this issue internally with the jsse and performance teams. It looks like your app is exceeding the maximum number of connections allowed by the orb, and that when the orb tries to "reclaim" a connection for use by your app, that it tries to reclaim a connection that had previously been used for SSL (which results in a problem).

I was monitoring the Orb connections and, although the max looks to be
set to 1024, it never got above 200 connections in use, so I don't
think it was a connection issue. Perhaps I'm looking @ the wrong

> you should also create a bug, and it would be most helpful, if you could upload your application so that we can use it to reproduce the problem. It would also help if you could attach your domain.xml, and a description of any orb specific configuration (if you have done any).

I will do this.

> if you cannot send us (a version of) your app, you might try reducing the value of max-connections, hopefully to cause the problem to occur sooner. It may also be helpful if you could run your application while having corba transport debug enabled (-Dcom.sun.CORBA.ORBDebug="transport") and then send us the relevant part of the server.log.

I can do this as well.

I'm actually running the application server in Netbeans right now,
using the profiler, and the errors are not appearing. Very strange.