Re: Set a Cookie with JSP

From: <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2008 09:45:16 PST

This is the code but I don't know where I should enter the code for the cookie. I have tested a lot but it doesn't work.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    Document : Page1
    Created on : 09.01.2008, 22:44:34
    Author :
<jsp:root version="2.1" xmlns:f="" xmlns:h="" xmlns:jsp="" xmlns:webuijsf="">
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                                <webuijsf:label binding="#{Login.label2}" id="label2" style="left: 24px; top: 24px; position: absolute" text="Kundennummer:"/>
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                                    style="height: 24px; left: 24px; top: 48px; position: absolute; width: 93px" text="Passwort:"/>
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                                    style="height: 24px; left: 24px; top: 72px; position: absolute; width: 142px" text="Login"/>
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                                    style="height: 24px; left: 167px; top: 72px; position: absolute; width: 142px" text="Abbrechen"/>
                                <webuijsf:label binding="#{Login.label4}" id="label4"
                                    style="height: 24px; left: 24px; top: 120px; position: absolute; width: 165px" text="Kundennummer vergessen:"/>
                                <webuijsf:label binding="#{Login.label5}" id="label5"
                                    style="position: absolute; left: 24px; top: 144px; width: 168px; height: 24px" text="Passwort vergessen:"/>
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                                    style="position: absolute; left: 216px; top: 120px; width: 96px; height: 24px" text="Hier klicken!"/>
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                                    style="height: 24px; left: 216px; top: 144px; position: absolute; width: 96px" text="Hier klicken!"/>
                                <webuijsf:label binding="#{Login.label1}" for="txtKundennummer" id="label1"
                                    style="height: 24px; left: 24px; top: 0px; position: absolute; text-align: center; text-decoration: underline; width: 285px" text=""/>
                                <webuijsf:passwordField binding="#{Login.txtPasswort}" id="txtPasswort" style="height: 24px; left: 144px; top: 48px; position: absolute; width: 168px"/>
                                <webuijsf:textField binding="#{Login.txtKundennummer}" id="txtKundennummer" style="height: 24px; left: 144px; top: 24px; position: absolute; width: 168px"/>
[Message sent by forum member 'choernchen' (choernchen)]