Re: GlassFish v3 - separate ejb container jar file?

From: Mahesh Kannan <Mahesh.Kannan_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2008 09:32:02 -0800

Ryan de Laplante wrote:
> That is really good to hear - especially when EJB 3.1 is available.
> Just to be clear, when you say "within a single (client) VM", you mean
> that we will be able to start/stop an EJB container inside of unit
> tests completely independent of an application server?
Its more like running the EJBContainer inside an app client container
> Will the startup time be sub-second like Spring, allow you to pass in
> different configurations for testing, let you add JTA if you need
> transactions, etc?
Transactions will definitely be part of the EJBContainer. We are
certainly going to have a very quick startup time (though I dont have
any numbers). Glassfish V3 containers (like php, ruby and web) already
have a great startup time. Please have a look at :


> I've talked with people who didn't want to use EJB because it was too
> hard to do testing with. Ejb3unit might help (I haven't tried it),
> but having a real container available in unit tests like Spring will
> really help.
> Thanks,
> Ryan
> Mahesh Kannan wrote:
>> Ryan de Laplante wrote:
>>> Since GlassFish v3 will be so modular, I'm wondering if we'll one day
>>> see an EJB container that is basically a jar file like Spring that we
>>> can use outside of an app server, in unit tests, etc.
>> Though this has not been finalized, Yes that is the plan. You should
>> be able to test and run EJB apps within a single (client) VM.
>> Thanks,
>> --Mahesh
>>> Will we see a
>>> bunch of test suites that come with it so that developers can unit
>>> test EJBs, MDBs, JPA, etc. like with Spring?
>>> Has anyone used ejb3unit? Is it any good?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ryan
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