Re: EnitiyManager won't inject

From: Garth Keesler <>
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 09:21:12 -0600

Garth Keesler wrote:
> I am new to Glassfish/NetBeans having switched from being new to
> Geronimo/Eclipse. So far I much prefer this combo. However, I have
> been working thru various code samples and using O'Reilly's EJB 3.0
> book on two different platforms: Ubuntu 7.10/Postgres and XP/SQL
> Server with the same result. No EntityManager ever gets injected in
> the session bean that attempts to manipulate the persisted entity
> bean. I have tested both jdbc connections is simple SE programs so I
> know the connections are valid. Also, I generate the entity beans from
> the schema so that also verifies the connection (I think).

A bit more info. The following line in the local session bean causes a
null exception. When I put a bit of diagnostic code in front of this
line, em is always null.

        return em.find(OESPkg.Vendors.class, id);

I'm not sure what to change to cause the EntityManager to inject (I
thought it was automagic) so any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
